तमिमं प्रविशन्तमाश्रमं ।
द्व्यधिकत्रिंशदुदारलक्षणम् ॥
गुणसारविदः कुतूहलात् ।
अवलोक्यर्षय इत्यचिन्तयन् ॥ ७.५ ॥
tamimaM pravishantamaashramaM |
dvyadhikatriMshadudaaralakShaNam ||
guNasaaravidaH kutUhalaat |
avalokyarShaya ityachintayan || 7.5 ||
padachCheda (words separation):
tam, imaM pravishantam, aashramaM, dvyadhikatriMshat, udaara, lakShaNam, guNasaaravidaH, kutUhalaat, avalokya, R^iShayaH, iti, achintayan
anvaya (natural order):
guNasaaravidaH, R^iShayaH, imaM, aashramaM, pravishantam, dvyadhikatriMshat, udaara, lakShaNam, tam, avalokya, kutUhalaat, iti, achintayan
pratipadaartha (word by word meaning):
(from this verse, shree naaraayaNa paNDitaachaarya explains the reception for acharya madhva who enters the badarikaashrama.) The ascetics of badarikaashrama, who were knowledgeable of the attributes that make a noble soul, having seen acharya madhva who was full of the 32 auspicious attributes enter the badarikaashrama, thus reflected with curiosity.
द्व्यधिकत्रिंशदुदारलक्षणम् ॥
गुणसारविदः कुतूहलात् ।
अवलोक्यर्षय इत्यचिन्तयन् ॥ ७.५ ॥
tamimaM pravishantamaashramaM |
dvyadhikatriMshadudaaralakShaNam ||
guNasaaravidaH kutUhalaat |
avalokyarShaya ityachintayan || 7.5 ||
padachCheda (words separation):
tam, imaM pravishantam, aashramaM, dvyadhikatriMshat, udaara, lakShaNam, guNasaaravidaH, kutUhalaat, avalokya, R^iShayaH, iti, achintayan
anvaya (natural order):
guNasaaravidaH, R^iShayaH, imaM, aashramaM, pravishantam, dvyadhikatriMshat, udaara, lakShaNam, tam, avalokya, kutUhalaat, iti, achintayan
pratipadaartha (word by word meaning):
- guNasaaravidaH= one who is knowledgeable (vidah) of the essence/importance (saara) of attributes/qualities (guNa)
- R^ishayaH= the ascetics in badarikaashrama
- imam= this
- aashramam= badarikaashrama
- pravishantam= the one who entered
- dvyadhikatriMshat= two above thirty; thirty-two
- udaara= noble (of humans and higher souls)
- lakShaNam= attributes
- tam= that acharya madhva
- avalOkya= having seen
- kutUhalaat= with curiosity
- iti= thus
- achintayan= thought/reflected
(from this verse, shree naaraayaNa paNDitaachaarya explains the reception for acharya madhva who enters the badarikaashrama.) The ascetics of badarikaashrama, who were knowledgeable of the attributes that make a noble soul, having seen acharya madhva who was full of the 32 auspicious attributes enter the badarikaashrama, thus reflected with curiosity.
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