सुमनोनिकरेणपूरितम् ।
स्वमनोऽभीष्टदमल्पदुर्गमम् ॥
अपरस्परमत्सरप्रजं ।
ननु वैकुण्ठमिवाच्युतालयम् ॥ ७.४ ॥
sumanonikareNapUritam |
svamano.abheeShTadamalpadurgamam ||
aparasparamatsaraprajaM |
nanu vaikuNThamivaachyutaalayam || 7.4 ||
padachCheda (words separation):
sumanonikareNa, pUritam, svamano.abheeShTadam, alpadurgamam, aparasparamatsara, prajaM, nanu, vaikuNTham, iva, achyutaalayam
anvaya (natural order):
achyutaalayam, sumanonikareNa, pUritam, svamano.abheeShTadam, aparasparamatsara, prajaM, alpadurgamam, nanu, vaikuNTham, iva
pratipadaartha (word by word meaning):
(shree naaraayaNa paNDitaachaarya continues to describe how acharya madhva saw the badarikaashrama. ) The badarikaashrama of shri vyaasa was indeed like the vaikuNTha the abode of naaraayaNa. They are both called achyutaalayam as shri vyaasa, achyuta are all different forms of lord naaraayaNa. The badarikaashram was filled with clusters of beautiful flowers as well as devataas and R^ishis whose mind is always occupied by the thoughts of parabrahman who always fulfills their satvik desires. They were not jealous of one another. The vaikuNTha is also seen with devataas who are meditating upon the lord. The badarikaashrama is not easily attainable by the physically and mentally weak persons as its located in the himaalayas and so is it difficult to reach vaikuNTha.
स्वमनोऽभीष्टदमल्पदुर्गमम् ॥
अपरस्परमत्सरप्रजं ।
ननु वैकुण्ठमिवाच्युतालयम् ॥ ७.४ ॥
sumanonikareNapUritam |
svamano.abheeShTadamalpadurgamam ||
aparasparamatsaraprajaM |
nanu vaikuNThamivaachyutaalayam || 7.4 ||
padachCheda (words separation):
sumanonikareNa, pUritam, svamano.abheeShTadam, alpadurgamam, aparasparamatsara, prajaM, nanu, vaikuNTham, iva, achyutaalayam
anvaya (natural order):
achyutaalayam, sumanonikareNa, pUritam, svamano.abheeShTadam, aparasparamatsara, prajaM, alpadurgamam, nanu, vaikuNTham, iva
pratipadaartha (word by word meaning):
- achyutaalayam= the badarikaashrama of vyaasa who is an incarnation of achyuta, the vaikUNTha which is the abode of lord naaraayaNa whose another form is achyuta
- sumanonikareNa
- sumanas: beautiful flowers, devataas
- nikara: cluster of, group of
- pUritam= filled with
- svamano.abheeShTadam=
- sva= related to svatantra parabrahman - naaraayaNa
- manO= mind
- abheeShTa= desires
- dam= giver
- aparasparamatsara= not being jealous of each other
- prajaM= people
- alpadurgamam= not attainable or reachable by the weak (physically and mentally) people
- nanu= indeed
- vaikuNTham = the abode of lord naaraayaNa whose another form is achyuta
- iva= like
(shree naaraayaNa paNDitaachaarya continues to describe how acharya madhva saw the badarikaashrama. ) The badarikaashrama of shri vyaasa was indeed like the vaikuNTha the abode of naaraayaNa. They are both called achyutaalayam as shri vyaasa, achyuta are all different forms of lord naaraayaNa. The badarikaashram was filled with clusters of beautiful flowers as well as devataas and R^ishis whose mind is always occupied by the thoughts of parabrahman who always fulfills their satvik desires. They were not jealous of one another. The vaikuNTha is also seen with devataas who are meditating upon the lord. The badarikaashrama is not easily attainable by the physically and mentally weak persons as its located in the himaalayas and so is it difficult to reach vaikuNTha.
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