मुनिमण्डलमध्यवर्तिनं ।
त्रिजगन्मण्डलमण्डनायितम् ॥
इह सत्यवती सुतं हरिं ।
परिपूर्णप्रमतिः समैक्षत ॥ ७.१६ ॥
munimaNDalamadhyavartinaM |
trijaganmaNDalamaNDanaayitam ||
iha satyavatee sutaM hariM |
paripUrNapramatiH samaikShata || 7.16 ||
padachCheda (words separation):
munimaNDala, madhyavartinaM, trijaganmaNDala, maNDanaayitam, iha, satyavatee, sutaM, hariM, paripUrNapramatiH, samaikShata
anvaya (natural order):
iha, paripUrNapramatiH, munimaNDala, madhyavartinaM, trijaganmaNDala, maNDanaayitam, satyavatee, sutaM, hariM, samaikShata
pratipadaartha (word by word meaning):
Here, under the badaree tree, on the beautiful platform, the all knowing acharya madhva, saw lord viShNu in the form of lord veda vyaasa the son of satyavatee. Lord veda vyaasa was surrounded by the gathering of sages. Lord veda vyaasa was glowing in the middle as if he was an ornament shining in the three worlds.
त्रिजगन्मण्डलमण्डनायितम् ॥
इह सत्यवती सुतं हरिं ।
परिपूर्णप्रमतिः समैक्षत ॥ ७.१६ ॥
munimaNDalamadhyavartinaM |
trijaganmaNDalamaNDanaayitam ||
iha satyavatee sutaM hariM |
paripUrNapramatiH samaikShata || 7.16 ||
padachCheda (words separation):
munimaNDala, madhyavartinaM, trijaganmaNDala, maNDanaayitam, iha, satyavatee, sutaM, hariM, paripUrNapramatiH, samaikShata
anvaya (natural order):
iha, paripUrNapramatiH, munimaNDala, madhyavartinaM, trijaganmaNDala, maNDanaayitam, satyavatee, sutaM, hariM, samaikShata
pratipadaartha (word by word meaning):
- iha= here
- paripUrNapramatiH= the one with complete knowledge - acharya madhva
- munimaNDala= in the circle (gathering) of the sages
- madhyavartinaM= one in the middle of
- trijaganmaNDala= the three worlds
- maNDanaayitam=like an adornment
- satyavateesutaM= son of satyavatee
- hariM= Lord viShNu
- samaikShata= saw him very well
Here, under the badaree tree, on the beautiful platform, the all knowing acharya madhva, saw lord viShNu in the form of lord veda vyaasa the son of satyavatee. Lord veda vyaasa was surrounded by the gathering of sages. Lord veda vyaasa was glowing in the middle as if he was an ornament shining in the three worlds.
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